24" X 30"
Oil on Canvas
Just another example of eating disordered models, featuring Naomi Campbell, admittedly bulimic (pecan pie being her favorite binge) and her friend, obviously anorexic, sharing a moment in the spotlight. These are the examples young girls study in fashion magazines. Just as I've pointed out in prior paintings, these girls appear too perfect, not a hair out of place, this is a red flag! The rejected stamp is intended to be from me, because I reject this example. Equal dysfunction is a play off the fact that although they come from different backgrounds, addiction does not discriminate, these women are equally fighting for their lives. A grim reminder of days gone by.
My favorite part of the painting is the contrasting skin tones and the obviously fake blue eyes, her mask. I spent four hours on this painting over a period of two days; day one painting the whole thing alla prima and day two for touch-ups and highlights.
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