24" X 30"
Oil on Canvas
This is a painting starring my son Ne'kel Taylor, he is now 3 years old and he is bi-racial; half Caucasian, half African-American. He posed for this picture giving me the peace sign and the love sign, the only two things a child wants out of life; before society gets a hold of them. The painting symbolizes the battle between the races that pulls bi-racial children apart and down with it. The bodies, styles, and environments are different to signify the many ideas and choices a mixed child is presented with, most often having to choose one side or the other. Having seen this situation result in many different ways, I choose to offer my son as many opportunities and chances to love all of himself by providing him with access to both sides of his heritage. I intend to teach my son self-worth and the strength to love those who are without. The opportunity to have a double perspective can be changed from negative to positive through the love and knowledge we pass on to our children. I spent about six hours on this piece and my son loved every minute of it!
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